About us

About Franchise Visionaries

We are a full service franchise consulting and development firm with extensive experience in the franchise industry. Our consultation process is a proven method of helping others identify and research franchise opportunities that present a true opportunity for success for our clients and their target markets.

With over 4,400 franchise concepts available in the United States alone searching for the right franchise can be a daunting task. In addition not all franchises are created equally and even the top rated franchises are not always the best fit for all individuals. Our process takes a close look at your goals, experience, strengths, weaknesses, desired lifestyle and more to help you find the opportunities that present a realistic opportunity for long term success and happiness.

With so many franchise opportunities available today it is much easier to choose the wrong franchise than the right one. Our team of professionals has decades of experience in franchising. We've owned franchises, we've helped build franchises and we have helped entrepreneurs just like you achieve success in franchising - and we are here to help you!


Ash and Kathy Sheanh, a dynamic couple with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, have embarked on a remarkable journey in the world of franchising. With their extensive experience in buying, operating, and selling a franchise, they have now dedicated themselves to helping aspiring entrepreneurs achieve their dreams of successful business ownership through their franchise consulting services.


Ash and Kathy's Entrepreneurial Journey:

Motivated by a desire to break free from the confines of Corporate America, Ash and Kathy set out to explore avenues that would allow them to start their own business. Their path took a transformative turn when they discovered the power of franchising. Recognizing the benefits of a proven business model, brand recognition, and a support network, they embarked on their own franchise journey.


The Franchise Advantage:

Choosing franchising as their pathway to success, Ash and Kathy were drawn to the ability to mitigate risks and leverage the expertise and guidance provided by the franchisor. Their first franchise venture proved to be a resounding success, thanks to the support and systems provided by the franchisor. From marketing strategies to operational processes, they were able to follow the franchise's "secret sauce" and operate a thriving business.


Overcoming Challenges and Building Connections:

Throughout their franchise journey, Ash and Kathy faced various challenges, including navigating marketing and advertising strategies. However, they found solace in the support of their fellow franchisees, forging strong friendships and collaborative partnerships that allowed them to overcome obstacles and create successful marketing campaigns. Together, they harnessed the power of teamwork within the franchise community.


Selling the Franchise and a New Chapter:

As life brought about changes for their family, Ash and Kathy made the decision to sell their franchise. Guided by the franchisor's seamless processes, they successfully transitioned to a new phase, ensuring a favorable outcome for all parties involved. This experience cemented their belief in the power of franchising and its potential for personal and financial fulfillment.


Founding a Franchise Consulting Business:

Drawing upon their own remarkable journey, Ash and Kathy were inspired to establish their own franchise consulting business. They recognized the immense value in helping aspiring entrepreneurs unlock the joy and freedom of entrepreneurship through franchising. Leveraging their 15+ years of business experience, they provide invaluable guidance, narrowing down options, and matching individuals with franchise opportunities that align with their passions and strengths.


Empowering Entrepreneurs:

Ash and Kathy's franchise consulting services offer a pathway for individuals who wish to transition into the world of entrepreneurship. With a deep understanding of the franchising landscape and a commitment to mitigating risks, they guide and support aspiring business owners, ensuring a smooth transition and providing ongoing mentorship.


Vision for the Future:

With a shared vision of making a positive impact on the lives of individuals seeking entrepreneurial success, Ash and Kathy are dedicated to expanding their franchise consulting business. Their aim is to touch the lives of more aspiring entrepreneurs, offering personalized guidance, and fostering a community of successful franchise ventures.



Ash and Kathy Sheanh exemplify the power of franchising in transforming lives and enabling individuals to achieve their dreams of business ownership. Their journey, marked by success, challenges, and a deep understanding of the franchise landscape, has positioned them as trusted advisors and mentors for aspiring entrepreneurs. Through their franchise consulting services, they continue to empower individuals to embark on successful entrepreneurial ventures, ensuring that the joy and freedom of entrepreneurship are within reach for all who seek it.